The Altova Work in Process (WIP) XBRL add-in for Excel is targeted to the surety industry. It allows construction contractors to enter work in process data directly in Excel, where they’re already comfortable working. In the background, the add-in saves the data in a valid XBRL instance document, based on the WIP Taxonomy from XBRL.US, for submission to surety companies.
UsersPrice / 1 YearSavings**Basket icon
1$ 649.00$ 0.00Add
5$ 3,090.00$ 155.00Add
10$ 5,490.00$ 1,000.00Add
20$ 10,790.00$ 2,190.00Add
50$ 25,990.00$ 6,460.00Add

You will receive a notification before your license is renewed and your credit card is charged.

How Does Auto-Renewal Work?

Interested in purchasing licenses for more than 50 Users?
Please contact sales@altova.com for a quote.