The Altova European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) XBRL Add-in for Excel allows organizations to prepare financial reports that conform to the ESEF reporting format. End-users enter reporting data in Excel, where they’re already comfortable working. In the background, the add-in saves the data in a valid iXBRL report based on the ESEF XBRL Taxonomy for submission.
UsersPrice / 1 YearSavings**Basket icon
1$ 1,099.00$ 0.00Add
5$ 5,190.00$ 305.00Add
10$ 9,290.00$ 1,700.00Add
20$ 18,190.00$ 3,790.00Add
50$ 43,990.00$ 10,960.00Add

You will receive a notification before your license is renewed and your credit card is charged.

How Does Auto-Renewal Work?

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