Authentic Desktop Enterprise Edition

Authentic Desktop is an advanced WYSIWYG content editor for XML and databases that allows users to view and edit data without being exposed to the underlying technology. It’s ideal for use as the front end of XML and database-centric applications.

TotalSavings**Basket icon
1$ 74.00$ 18.50$ 92.50$ 0.00Add
5$ 349.00$ 87.25$ 436.25$ 26.25Add
10$ 629.00$ 157.25$ 786.25$ 138.75Add
20$ 1,229.00$ 307.25$ 1,536.25$ 313.75Add
50$ 2,990.00$ 747.50$ 3,737.50$ 887.50Add

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How Does Auto-Renewal Work?

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Please contact for a quote.

* SMP (Support and Maintenance Package)

** Savings are calculated (a) by comparing the price of any multi-user item with the corresponding single-user item to show the volume-discount given, and (b) by comparing the price of any suite or other product bundle with the sum of the respective prices of the individual products contained in the bundle, or (c) by comparing the list price of the current version of any item with the discounted upgrade price after any additional special upgrade discounts are taken into account. The Savings given on this page are already reflected in the List Price and Total quoted; they are displayed for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as further discounts.